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[Connections] Bible Study
Wednesday, July 25, 2018, 07:00pm - 09:00pm
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not a fan.

Jesus is NOT looking for fans…
He’s looking for followers.
Followers who understand that…

There is no forgiveness without repentance. There is no salvation without surrender.
There is no life without death.
There is no believing without following.

Twenty times in the New Testament, Jesus Christ issued a compelling and challenging invitation: “Follow Me.”  Jesus is not interested in mere fans.  He doesn't want enthusiastic admirers.  He wants completely committed followers.   Built around the engaging approach of Kyle Idleman, Teaching Pastor at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY, this one of a kind small group study examines what it means to deny one’s self and truly follow Jesus.

This is not a conventional small group experience.  It is a cinematic journey, a series of six mini-movies, with the perspective and depth to help shape today’s believer into a first century Christ-follower.   Participants follow the journey of Eric Nelson, a man leading a compartmentalized triple life as a pleasure-seeking rebel, a cutthroat corporate executive, and a nominal Christian.  But when confronted with a near death experience, Eric embarks on a spiritual journey that transforms his commitment to Jesus Christ and tests the faith of his friends and family.

Not a Fan book
Location Jonathan and Jocelyn's