Category: Christian Living
Editor: Moody Press
Pages: 249
ISBN: 0802425496
Library: Maranatha Resource Library
Location: Maranatha Fellowship
Year: 1989

Hits: 379

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Written by Harold

With credit so easily obtained today--and unknowingly abused--countless couples find themselves facing debt they can't handle. Debt-Free Living discusses biblical principles regarding money and demonstrates how to become and remain debt-free.


Debt has dominated the financial direction of our society over the past sixty years. Credit card offers flow into our mailboxes virtually every day. Countless families give the false impression of being wealthy while drowning in a sea of debt. In fact, nearly 80 percent of divorced couples between the ages of twenty and thirty report that financial problems were the primary cause of their marital breakdown. Many people are not even sure how they got into their financial predicament, let alone how to get out. Understanding the origin of most financial difficulties is the key to escaping the "debt cycle" for good. Debt-Free Living was designed to equip individuals with sound biblical principles and solid practical advice so they can dig out and stay out of debt. Best selling author Larry Burkett skillfully teaches these principles through the real-life experiences of several couples on the brink of financial ruin. As these couples climb out of debt, you will receive helpful advice on a wide variety of financial issues you face every day. In Debt-Free Living you receive answers to questions such as

Is it better to own or to rent?
Is borrowing a sin?
When is bankruptcy a good idea?
What types of credit should I avoid?

Debt-Free Living teaches you what God has to say about debt and assists you in achieving a life that is debt free. --This text refers to the Paperbackedition.

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